Social networking safely
Most of us use social networking sites as part of our daily lives. Some key things to think about coming up below!
Don't let the bad guys feel smug
Sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn need to be protected to ensure your online profile isn't victim of smugging (short for social media mugging). In some cases, smugging can seem like a fairly harmless prank - for example, when someone hijacks your profile to post inappropriate comments or to send a message to your contacts. But if you keep sensitive information in your profile, smugging can lead to identity theft.
Keep some things private
Do be careful what information you put on social networking sites as personal details like your date of birth, address, phone number or employment are easy pickings for fraudsters to use in identity fraud and remember that when you post you're out for the night, others see this and know your property is empty.
How do others see you?
Check your 'privacy settings', to see who has access to the information you display in your profile and do a search for yourself online, to see what information is available about you on the internet, and how your profile appears to others.