We don't like to let you down but sometimes things go wrong. If you do have a complaint, please let us know and we can try to fix it.
To make it as simple as possible, here's some information so you know what to expect.
We'll do our best to sort out your complaint as quickly as we can but some are more complicated, and will take longer to work through, than others. We'll let you know when we've received your complaint and will keep you updated. We aim to have a final response for you within eight weeks. If you've made a complaint about a payment or a transaction, we will aim to provide our final response within 15 days.
If it is going to take us longer than that, we will tell you.
You can still submit complaints to us relating to Capital One companies that are no longer trading (including Capital One Mortgages Limited, Capital One Homeowner Loans Limited and Capital One (Loans) UK Limited).
If you’re unhappy with our response, or the way we handled your complaint, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Serviceopens in a new tab, free of charge. This must be done within six months of our final response.